Sargent Trials 2024-2025

Hello all great gentles,

This last year has been a great experience. We have been amazed by all of the great people our Barony has. We have great artisans, archers, volunteers, and combatants. Our bardic community grows and enriches our Barony with music, song, and stories. Many of our populace have stepped up to try new things and take an active role in our Baronies activities. One of our desires when we stepped up over a year ago was to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and to enrich themselves and our Barony. You all make us very proud as we see this happening and how it is having a great impact on our Barony and its people. It is with great joy that we also announce the opening of our Sergeantry trials. For those people who are interested we will be accepting letters of intent between now and the end of Egils.

What is Sergeantry?

It is the opportunity to learn a lot about the SCA and our great Barony. The Sergeantry is split up into 5 sub-groups.

Cohort- Artisan, A&S focus

Cohort- Steward, Service focus

Sergeant-at-Arms- Heavy Combat focus

Yoeman- Missile Combat focus

Gallant- Steel Combat focus

We encourage anyone, regardless of your years in the SCA, to explore one or more of these paths.

To our current Sergeantry and Emeritus; please reach out to candidates or encourage someone along a path. Be the sponsor and help guide them. This is how we continue to build our Barony and expand the great foundation we have.

Baron Brynjarr Olfúss Baroness Isis Set Ne NesBastet